Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tunes from a Broken Flute!

I was a mere twig hung far above the solid brown,
Lost in my own dreary world of pointless frown;
I swung wildly with the breeze of worldly thoughts…
Binding myself in an inexplicable bundle of complex knots.

On an unforgettable  chilly winter dawn,
Layered by tyrant ice from base to awn;
I was soothed into reality with a warm stroke of ray…
Clearing my ice and eyes, I saw a bright hand lifting all grey.

Snap!…I fell in His lap with a crackle…
It was a gush of joy which I could not tackle;
He called himself my Master…
Tucking me tightly into His zoster.

With tender hands did He carve me…
While I lay all the while oblivious and dreamy;
All was done and He looked at me with a contented face…
Drawing me near to breathe fresh life…my heart began to race.

Out came lilting tunes, flowing from nowhere…
Filing the hearts all around with a distinct flair;
It was a soulful feeling while the tune was in play…
Soon it ended and I was put on display.

Hung on the wall of hope, i awaited my chance…
Until I fell into a alluring worldly trance;
All that is left in my mind was the fall from the upper echelon…
When I opened my eyes, I was broken and it is gone.

Here I am… Oh! Master, waiting to be picked up…
To be mended, forgiving my slip-up;
Chasing the wordily mirages, I did lose my route…
Listen to me my Lord!…though they are tunes from a broken flute!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why i smile...

When the pearly full moon shines on the backdrop of twilight skies,
I see your beautiful face and realize that you are my unique prize;
Fluttering your eyes like the wings of butterfly, why i smile you ask,
An answer for which Oh! dear, i can never unmask.

When the ways of fate leave you stranded on roads,
And i realize an opportunity for me to share your loads;
With a twinkle in the eye, why i smile you ask,
An answer for which Oh! dear, i can never unmask.

When the winds of opportunity blow close on me from above,
And just when i think i can hold on to you, my love;
Gliding away like the weightless feather, why i smile you ask,
An answer for which Oh! dear, i can never unmask.

When the clouds of joyful monsoon bring us together,
And all that exists melts and there is none to bother;
lying in my arms and dancing in my heart, why i smile you ask,
An answer for which Oh! dear, i can never unmask.

i smile...with you...all the while... :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Life, a symbol of God's love for the dear earth,
After all there are many forms and with no dearth;
But then he began to wonder if that's all he can do,
He wanted something more, a master piece so true.

And then he began to chisel her,
An angel on earth sans ring, wing and feather;
Time flew like the bird out of the golden cage,
How far it had been, no one could gauge.

It was ready and when he finally saw,
He could'nt help but to gaze at it in wonder and awe;
"She" was so beautiful and so benign,
That even the stars, upon seeing her, ceased to shine.

She had a smile that could melt the mountains faster than the sun,
And a walk that could make the swans go for a run;
Her eyes were so bright and full of love,
That one cannot help but take a bow.

She was a gift to the mankind
A one of her own kind;
And here i am, one out of many a feather...
Running the race and crossing the hurdles to get to her.

Am tired, bruised and fallen oh! dear....
It is you for whom i pine forever...
Let me be the fresh air that caress your cheeks
And let me be petal that cushions your feet
Let not the mundane barriers of world tear you away from me...
Let me, my love, always be in union with thee....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Musings of a Metro Bird...

Image Courtesy: Google Images

I am unlike my siblings lost in lush green jungle...
I am, but an insignificant part of the cemented bungle;
I would like to call myself a metro bird...
For the lack of celebrity identity and a better word.

Day after day i lay perched upon my metallic nest...
Watching the world and musing with untiring zest;
It shouldn't surprise you when i talk the metro lingo...
Trying to narrate my thoughts to you in all the gung-ho.

It is the same sight for me almost everyday...
From sun rising behind me, to the wails of the tiny tots two blocks away.
Rumbling engines and jostling pedestrians on rambling roads...
Impatiently ignoring the reds and greens, a chaos that forebodes.

As i glide low and sit on the rusted postbox...
I eavesdrop on my daily dose of intellectually debilitating talks;
While the kindergartens mull on the munchies packed for the break..
Their doting moms discuss last night soaps as if they had a monetary stake.

My next stop would be on the blinking traffic lights...
Pruning my auditory feathers, i get ready for another round of insights;
This time it is the hormonal teens giggling and glancing at their counterparts..
While the so called grown ups swearing on fellow men in fits and starts.

I fly back quickly to my nest and so do the time...
As i take a peak of grumbling housewives doing their chores unexpecting a dime;
On the back drop of hissing cookers and humming washers, i lull myself into a drowsy siesta...
Only to be awakened by the screaming kids, i enjoy the drowning red orb vista.

Suits hung around shoulders and ties loosened to chest arrive the men..
After a day of hard toil, they enter their seemingly safe den.
It seems like an hour or two, before they re-emerge in sparkling outfits...
Hand in hand with their spouses...blissful...i say to self "what a nitwits!"

It would be time to rest my wings..sometimes under the moon and sometimes not...
Pondering over the  pointless lives of everyone tied into a knot;
Some profound thoughts occur to even my "bird brain"...
How these are missed by the "intelligent" species..this i cannot explain.

There is no change in their lives i think...
Except for the thickening bellies and thinning calendars;
There is no change in their lives i think...
Except for thickening egos and thinning hearts.

Tired in the race of Life,they give up too early...
When the sunny days of their life suddenly turn surly;
What is the panacea for this i ask?
What is the truth that they need to unmask?

It lies clearly in front of their eyes...
To be, with their fellowmen, compassionate and nice;
There is no room for hatred and vice...
to love one and all would just suffice.

this is the message from the metro bird...
this is the truth that needs to  be anchored;
If you liked this lone bird's good word...
spread it to stabilize the humanity that's wavered.

                                                        Image Courtesy:Self

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Best Friend...

The letters on my keyboard slowly melted away..
And the vapors of my coffee long stopped to sway;
As i raced back on an unusual sojourn…
Excavating the depths of mind hitherto unknown.

The thought was about my best friend...
Whose love for me is as far as your mind can extend;
As i started to re-discover my forgotten treasure..
My soul sank into the ocean of happiness beyond any measure.

I, for sure, know that it had began much before...
But the limitations of my cerebrum were too hard to ignore;
Nevertheless, i stood on the shores of my infancy...
Trying to collect the pearls,those..for a life i would fancy.

A toddler, was i, when my darting eyes locked on to his form...
An unforgettable picture that acted on me like a soothing balm;
The wailing for my mother quickly solidified into an innocent smile...
As he became the center of my world in a very short while.

As i crawled into the walking stages of my childhood...
He started to be my mate, leading me on to the path so noble and good;
He would patiently lend his big ears to all the happenings at my school...
Never once showing disinterest or loosing his cool.

As my playful childhood grew into a confusing adolescence...
He was the main reason as to why there prevailed in me some sense;
As i grappled with reactions both inside and outside...
He was always the one who was standing firmly by my side.

But the arrogant adulthood raised its hood soon...
Tricked into its lap, i danced to its unwanted tune;
Just when the thread was to snap in the turbulent winds of fate..
He grounded my flying ego before its too late.

Weakened by ignorance, i fall on my knees...
Praying to him to give me a new lease;
He pulls me by my shoulder,wiping my tears
Gives a smile so familiar, bridging all these years.

A blurry keyboard jolts me to reality..
As i agnise that its raining from my eyes;
I thank him profusely from depths of my heart
For being with me from the matter WHAT.

(dedicated to my Lord and best friend....Ganesha)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Race from the Space....

When the masculine thunder entwined the tender clouds in a lace,
Silent yet spirited, there began a race;
It was a race far beyond our space,
A race to offer comfort and solace.

It began with a silent gunshot...
With each of them breaking into a steady trot;
Heaving and sighing all the way...
Eager to reach first at the end of the day.

With hope in their eyes and fear left in skies...
They surrendered to the gravity of love...
Rushing and gushing forwards as the spirits rise..
Lolling and falling from the feet of czar far above.

There i was standing oblivious to the wonder that is about to unfold
Caught in my own world of thoughts running in directions manifold...
And then it woke me from my ethereal slumber...
As i watch its siblings fall to the earth and turn umber;

As the muddy redolence pervades the air...
And as the tippy petals stumble under the weight..
I realised that this is the Rainy season's flair;
And it dawned upon me that its time to celebrate.
Monsoon rain

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In search of Beauty...

Is it the first drop of stealthy rain that catches you unaware?
Or is it the sight of a frothing blue ocean that pulls you out of despair?
Is it the bosom of bubbly young maid that you cannot help but stare?
Or is it the last leaf of a withering branch that flutters in the rough desert air?

What is the meaning of true beauty i ask?
In the glory of which i pine to bask;
What lay ahead of me is not an easy task..
But here i am trying my best to reveal what's behind the mask.

So in search of true beauty i began my trot..
Knowing not what's written in the plot;
I picked a seemingly random spot...
And with gung-ho launched my unplanned onslaught.

Hours rolled into days and i lost track of time and space...
On and on i moved in ways, with question that left me in a daze;
I asked all the wise devoid of any color, sect or race...
Wandered all over the world without leaving a place.

(to be continued...)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Colours of Life...

Starting with the coolness of blue that sticks on to you like glue,
May all your wishes of life come true.
And as the vibrant red being the path you tread,
May your life always be the fragrant rose bed.

Let your cheeks turn pink with the youthful blush,
When you hear the magic words in all hush hush....
And let your lips curl to reveal the promising white,
For it should always be a common sight to every one's delight.

And in the sundries of gloomy black and blissful green,
Hold on to the shoulder that you wish to lean.
And When the fate smiles on you and life turns Golden yellow
Remember the shoulder your leaned and at least say hello.

Life should be lived in all its colorful hue
Live each day, for it is God's gift to you.
As the colors of life blossom in your valley,
I wish you all a very happy Holi.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So long my long...

As the musky scent of early dawn tickled my nose...
And as thousands of stars fade into oblivion as the gleeful sun rose;
I lay on my bed staring at the roof...
A wave of sadness engulfed me that i am aloof.

Everyday it was the same story...
With nothing much to brag about in my life's diary;
Chained alone in my castle so dreary..
Until it all changed with the entrance of this fairy...

Her entry was so smooth and so calm...
That it created in my heart, a raging storm;
A beautiful new page opened in the book of my life...
And filled with musical notes of love fit for a fife.

With a slight turn of her wand (read as hand)...
All my world could come to a stand;
With a sweet candy smile of hers...
Needless to say, my heart would go bonkers.

It was all fun till i reached the bottom of the page...
Realizing what was to come..i was in rage;
She bid me a lovely farewell...
With tears in my heart..i called out for my angel.

She went as fast as she came..
But my life ,i know, will never be the same;
So long my long
Never forget that it is to you that i belong.

You are my first love...
You are my treasure trove..
You are there up above..
I want to reach you...but don't know how?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I woke up with a strange feeling this morning...
It came without a message or a warning;
The effects of it, though are warming...
Creating a tempest in my heart is indeed alarming.

I know not if am in love...
I cannot judge this feeling right now;
It surely made a mark in my heart's cove...
Flying hither and thither like a caged dove.

What is Love?... i began to ponder...
The more i think, the more i wonder;
It is only when i began to surrender...
It struck me like a powerful thunder.

Love is not affected by boundaries of caste, creed and religion...
Love can never be destroyed by even a thousand legion;

Love is beyond and above all that is and will be...
Love is what that sets you free;

Love happens between the chosen two...
Love backed by the Lord shall always be true;

Love is only a four letter word..
But Love is what sustains the world...