Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Life, a symbol of God's love for the dear earth,
After all there are many forms and with no dearth;
But then he began to wonder if that's all he can do,
He wanted something more, a master piece so true.

And then he began to chisel her,
An angel on earth sans ring, wing and feather;
Time flew like the bird out of the golden cage,
How far it had been, no one could gauge.

It was ready and when he finally saw,
He could'nt help but to gaze at it in wonder and awe;
"She" was so beautiful and so benign,
That even the stars, upon seeing her, ceased to shine.

She had a smile that could melt the mountains faster than the sun,
And a walk that could make the swans go for a run;
Her eyes were so bright and full of love,
That one cannot help but take a bow.

She was a gift to the mankind
A one of her own kind;
And here i am, one out of many a feather...
Running the race and crossing the hurdles to get to her.

Am tired, bruised and fallen oh! dear....
It is you for whom i pine forever...
Let me be the fresh air that caress your cheeks
And let me be petal that cushions your feet
Let not the mundane barriers of world tear you away from me...
Let me, my love, always be in union with thee....

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