Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Best Friend...

The letters on my keyboard slowly melted away..
And the vapors of my coffee long stopped to sway;
As i raced back on an unusual sojourn…
Excavating the depths of mind hitherto unknown.

The thought was about my best friend...
Whose love for me is as far as your mind can extend;
As i started to re-discover my forgotten treasure..
My soul sank into the ocean of happiness beyond any measure.

I, for sure, know that it had began much before...
But the limitations of my cerebrum were too hard to ignore;
Nevertheless, i stood on the shores of my infancy...
Trying to collect the pearls,those..for a life i would fancy.

A toddler, was i, when my darting eyes locked on to his form...
An unforgettable picture that acted on me like a soothing balm;
The wailing for my mother quickly solidified into an innocent smile...
As he became the center of my world in a very short while.

As i crawled into the walking stages of my childhood...
He started to be my mate, leading me on to the path so noble and good;
He would patiently lend his big ears to all the happenings at my school...
Never once showing disinterest or loosing his cool.

As my playful childhood grew into a confusing adolescence...
He was the main reason as to why there prevailed in me some sense;
As i grappled with reactions both inside and outside...
He was always the one who was standing firmly by my side.

But the arrogant adulthood raised its hood soon...
Tricked into its lap, i danced to its unwanted tune;
Just when the thread was to snap in the turbulent winds of fate..
He grounded my flying ego before its too late.

Weakened by ignorance, i fall on my knees...
Praying to him to give me a new lease;
He pulls me by my shoulder,wiping my tears
Gives a smile so familiar, bridging all these years.

A blurry keyboard jolts me to reality..
As i agnise that its raining from my eyes;
I thank him profusely from depths of my heart
For being with me from the matter WHAT.

(dedicated to my Lord and best friend....Ganesha)

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