Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New year Special: 10 Lessons from Calvin & Hobbes

"Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain...
Give me another chance, i wanna grow up once again..."

Hi Pals!,

It's the end of yet another year and here we are echoing the famous song from 3 idiots. It has been a pretty eventful year. Am sure all of us had our share of happy and not so happy moments, sprinkled with lots of surprises, tears, hugs and kisses. It's time for us to turn a new leaf in our life. Another opportunity given to do all things that we always wanted to do; say all the things we always wanted to say; and so on....

At this momentous juncture, i thought it would be a great idea to kiss a good bye to the current year and welcome the new year in the company of friends. Well, most of my friends have got on their own plans, i was left alone till i opened my most coveted treasure-Calvin and Hobbes book. Lo and Behold!, my old pals jumped right out and i never looked back. Calvin and hobbes gave me amazing insights into the life that i wanted to share with you all.

So, hop on to the wooden trolley with calvin and hobbes. Let's start our ride down the slope....

Lesson #1: Our World is a small place and we meet many people all through our life. But always do remember your "friends". These are people who will be with you through thick and thin of life. If you don't have any till now, try making one at's never late. And secondly, sometimes all you need to give to each other is a warm hug, a compassionate look or a beautiful smile and remember that might make their day. Don't monetize your friendship!

Lesson #2: This is a very funny strip but it has profound meaning to it. Always take time to care about others. Who knows you might land up changing a person's life for the better!

Lesson #3: Mind is a funny thing. It always makes up things on its own and fears the unknown. Well, the important lesson to learn here is - "It's all in the mind." Conquer your mind, you can conquer the world. Ya, i know it is easier said than done. But let's give it a try at least!

Lesson #4: Happy are those who have less desires. With more money and power, comes more unrest and fear. So, be happy with what you have than crave for something that isn't yours. Things would be much simpler that way.

Lesson #5: Try, try and try!. Never Give up. To err is human. So don't hit panic button and be disappointed when you don't get the right results. Remember that even Edison, Newton and Einstein did not get it right the first time.

Lesson #6: Never be afraid to raise a hand to express your feelings. It is better to say it than sulk later. As calvin points out, it has its own perks.

Lesson #7: If you dont know it. Don't worry! There always an answer that you know. Just use it...

Lesson #8: Creativity is all about creating witty solutions to knotty problems..... Unleash the creativity in you and enjoy your life....

Lesson #9: Money is an important part of your life. But it isn't the life. So don't lose your life for it.....

Lesson #10: Last but not the least. Sometimes you need to take a break from the daily monotony and reconnect with yourself. Fly away to your own world where "you" rule and everything else revolves around you. Don't let the imagination tank with those beautiful gold fishes of dreams dry up!

Well then friends, that's it from me for this year....a humble beginning.....

Let's meet next year....till then...adios....

All izz well!!!

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